Adobe Photoshop In Final Cut Pro X 10.0.3 and later, the editor can import Photoshop projects onto the storyline similar to a still image. Inside the Final Cut Pro X, editors can modify the parameters and contents of the effects, as long as the permission for such modifications is turned on in the Motion 5 project file. Workflow integration Motion 5 Titles, motion graphics, effects generated in Motion 5 can be published to Final Cut Pro X. Final Cut Pro X was developed for macOS only. Many tasks are performed in the background such as auto-saving, rendering, transcoding, and media management, allowing the user an uninterrupted experience. It can also transcode video clips to the Apple ProRes codec for improved performance. Final Cut Pro X supports playback of many native camera and audio formats. It is resolution-independent, supporting images sizes from SD to beyond 4K. Open CL support allows GPU accelerated processing for improved performance for playback, rendering, and transcoding. It utilizes all CPU cores with Grand Central Dispatch. As a native 64-bit application it takes advantage of more than 4GB of RAM. While inheriting the name from its predecessor, Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Pro X is a completely re-written application. import and edit 360° equirectangular video in a wide range of formats and frame sizes.

3D titles: Introduced in version 10.2.0, text can be extruded, textured, lit, and shaded with materials and environments in 3D.

Once in the timeline, an audition allows the user to choose between different clips in their edit while the timeline ripples automatically in order to preview two or more different versions of a cut. Auditions: Clips can be grouped together in the event browser or on the timeline as auditions.A multicam clip can be opened in the angle editor where new angles can be added, synched, relabeled, and rearranged at any time. Once in the timeline, a multicam clip can be cut up into different angles by using the angle viewer. Multicam editing: Introduced in version 10.0.3, multiple camera angles can be synchronized automatically and combined into a multicam clip.Closed captions: Introduced in version 10.4.1, closed captions can be created right in the timeline or imported into the timeline from an external file.It can also be reused in different projects. This compound clip can be opened in its own timeline or broken apart for further editing. A selection of video and audio clips can be nested into a single compound clip. Compound clips: Nested sequences from the original Final Cut Pro have been replaced by compound clips.Synchronized clips: Video and audio clips recorded on separate devices can be synched automatically by timecode, audio waveforms, and markers together as a single clip.This process generates metadata that can automatically be organized as Keywords and can be grouped into Smart Collections. Content auto-analysis: Found in the import window and event browser is the option to analyze media for shot type and facial recognition or fix potential problems like audio loudness, audio hum, channel grouping, background noise, color balance, pulldown removal, and stabilization.Upon Sharing a Master File of the Project the various Roles can be split out as stems or in a multitrack file for broadcast delivery or other distribution needs. A Role (or Sub-Role) gets assigned to clips to identify what it is (for example Video, Titles, Dialogue, Effects, Music). Introduced in version 10.0.1, Roles can be assigned to clips as an alternate way of creating organizational functionality. Roles: In order to separate and organize different audio types on the magnetic timeline, editors can designate what "role' each clip plays.The magnetic connections are also user-definable. By default, clips move around each other "magnetically", filling in any gaps and avoiding clip collisions by automatically bumping clips out of the way vertically. Magnetic timeline: Inventing an alternative to track-based timelines found in traditional NLEs, Final Cut's magnetic timeline uses clip connections to keep connected clips and secondary storylines in sync with clips located on the primary storyline.Keyword ranges, favorite and rejected ranges, and smart collections allow for faster sorting of a large number of clips. Event browser: Replacing “bins” in other NLEs, the event browser is where the original media is found and can be searched and sorted by various forms of metadata.
6 Feature films and television shows edited with Final Cut Pro Xįinal Cut Pro X shares some of both its code and interface design philosophy with Apple's consumer video editing software, iMovie.